The Masters in Biology and Plant Biology are part of the UGA Graduate School of Chemistry, Biology and Health (CBH Graduate School), which offers students an excellent education combining research and interdisciplinarity, a rich campus life and international experience. The CBH Graduate School supports students from the time they start their Master's degree right through to their thesis and/or professional integration. Which majors are involved?
Master of Biology:
M1 Molecular & Cellular Biology
M2 Physiology Epigenetics Development & Cancer
M2 Neurosciences
M2 Microbiology Infectious Diseases & Immunology
M2 Structural Biology
Master of Plant Biology: PLANTA-International
To find out about all the support available to Master's students (mobility grants, support for student projects, mentoring, events, PhD opportunities), visit our website CBH school.
Published on June 26, 2023 Updated on February 27, 2024
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