Neurosciences / Neurobiology

parcours M2 Neuro

Exploring the intricates workings of the  brain to enhance treatments

This course delves into a spectrum of inquiries, ranging from comprehending how central nervous system cells intercommunicate to execute distinct functions to  unraveling the intricate organization of brain networks. It also grasps the dysfunctions tied to various pathologies and explores cutting-edge therapeutic approaches.
The Neurosciences-Neurobiology pathway aims to train the next generation of neuroscientists through an ambitious programme taught in english and based on the scientific expertise of researchers, lecturers and physicians from Grenoble and other sites. The highly interdisciplinary programme covers topics ranging from fundamental research on cellular and animal models to applied and cognitive neuroscience. This Master's degree enables students to specialise in their field of interest, such as cellular neurobiology, neurophysiology or cognitive neuroscience. This course maintains a strong connection with the site's renowned centers of excellence, notably the  GIN  and the LPNC. This connection proves particularly valuable for internships, attending seminars, and interacting with renowned scientists.
This programme will adeptly equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to confidently initiate a doctoral project within the neuroscience field. They will be well-prepared for the demands of future academic or private research endeavors.

parcours neuro illustration

Organisation of the course

The first semester is devoted to lectures given by internationally renowned researchers, lecturers and doctors specialising in fundamental and clinical neuroscience. These courses will give you a high level of expertise in the fields of cellular and molecular neurobiology, neurophysiology and the study of brain functions and dysfunctions. Analyses of recent publications and research will help you to hone your skills and critical thinking. Discussions with the lecturers will enable you to refine your knowledge and keep abreast of the latest discoveries.

The second semester is dedicated to your internship (6 months) in a laboratory on the Grenoble site or elsewhere in France or abroad.

Published on  August 23, 2023
Updated on July 12, 2024